Shared Components


Luis Locon

May 10, 2018

2 min read

If you are into the React ecosystem, you are familiar with components, this is how React works and why it is so popular. The way we can abstract the logic and reuse it again anywhere we want is great. Having this idea about components, we can move on to talk about shared components.

A shared components is that component that someone made available for other people. An example of this is React-Datepicker, this is the easy way in wich we can set up a calendar in our projects, it has an api to use it and it is also is fully customizable. Other example of a shared component is React-strap this a suit of components using the System Design of Bootstrap.

In conclusion a shared component is a component that we make available to others in our own organizations or as Open Source Code. A component that does an specific functionality that other can exploit.

Create-react-shared-component the project

It is common to see boilerplates to start new apps, examples of this is Create-react-app or React-Boilerplate this projects are very rated/starred in github, because they permit setup a new app with all the dependencies and necessary scripts in minutes.

I based this project on that idea and also in a need that I had to create many shared components as requirement of my work. This is how Create-react-shared-component was created.

CRSA is a CLI, so it is easy to setup. The only requirement to install it is have Node 7.X.X or above.

  • Run this command to install:
$ npm install -g create-react-shared-component [project-name]
$ npx create-react-shared-component [project-name]

[project-name] is an argument to set the name of the project. Includes package.json, git initialization, etc.

  • After the installation process, this is how we can use it:
$ create-react-shared-component [project-name]
$ cd [project-name]
$ npm start
$ npm link
>> Open src/index.js
>> Link to other project this module npm link [project-name]

This project is OSS, so I'm glad to receive PRs to improve it and keep it updated. You can see the code here.