Before anything else, I made a slight change to the look of the page. I went with a darker color scheme with white and fuchsia tones. The design changed a bit, and I added some animations, but here are the main improvements:
1. Optimizing the Layout Component
I tweaked the Layout component to make it more flexible and efficient:
export default function Layout({ children, showFooterSocial }: ILayoutProps) {return (<div className="min-h-screen flex flex-col bg-slate-950"><Header /><main className="flex-grow container mx-auto text-slate-50 md:max-w-4xl xs:max-w-80 p-8">{children}</main>{showFooterSocial && (<footer className="mt-auto"><Social /></footer>)}<Navbar /></div>);}
This change ensures the main content takes up all available space, and the footer stays at the bottom.
2. Image Optimization
I updated the Avatar component to use more image optimization options from Next.js:
<Imagealt="avatar"width={sizeImg}height={sizeImg}className="sidebar-main-avatar"src={img || "/images/Designer-6.png"}loading="eager"priorityquality={90}placeholder="blur"blurDataURL="/images/placeholder.jpg"/>
3. Implemented Lazy Loading
I added lazy loading for blog posts on the homepage to improve initial performance:
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";const DynamicBlogPage = dynamic(() => import("@/components/BlogList"), {loading: () => <p>Cargando posts...</p>,});export default function Index({ posts }) {const posts = sortPost(posts);return (<><Head><title>Home - Luis Locon</title></Head><DynamicBlogPage posts={posts} /></>);}
4. Accessibility Improvements
I made the Social component more accessible by adding aria-labels to the links:
<ahref=""target="blank"rel="noopener noreferrer"aria-label="Perfil de LinkedIn de Luis Locon">{/*----Icon----*/}</a>
6. SEO Optimization
I expanded the SEO setup to include more metadata:
const SEO = {title,description,canonical: URI,openGraph: {type: "website",locale: "en_US",url: URI,title,description,images: [{url: `${URI}/og.png`,alt: title,width: 1280,height: 720,},{url: `${URI}/og-2.png`,alt: title,width: 800,height: 600,},],},twitter: {handle: "@loconluis",site: "@loconluis",cardType: "summary_large_image",},additionalMetaTags: [{name: "keywords",content: "desarrollo web, programación, React, Next.js, JavaScript",},],};